Adrian Ghainda
Office Sought: County Commissioner
District: Hudson County District 2
Adrian is a lifelong Jersey City resident and community organizer running for County Commissioner.
Adrian has worked in progressive politics since he was a student at New Jersey City University. He’s worked on the People Over Profits Ballot Initiative to get more affordable housing in Jersey City.
An alum of Movement School and Arena Academy, Adrian has participated in political training programs in the progressive space to bring the knowledge he learned to make Hudson County an equitable place for all.
An organizer by heart, Adrian is the Special Projects Director of Voters of Tomorrow New Jersey, a youth-led organization that empowers members of Gen-Z to be politically active. Adrian is a chapter member of the Progressive Democrats of Hudson County and the Hudson County Democratic Socialists of America having organized as a Field Coordinator for the Right to Counsel efforts in Jersey City.
Prepare to Vote!
Election Day: Tuesday, June 6th
Register to Vote by May 16
There are 3 Ways to Vote:
1.) Vote Early (Friday, June 2 - Sunday, June 4)
Find Your Early Voting Polling Location ​
2.) Vote by Mail
3.) Vote on Election Day (June 6)