NJ Progressive Democrats State Convention
Preparing to Win
Each year the Progressive Democrat State Convention brings PDNJ members and supporters together to train and share skills, look back on our accomplishments of the past year, and set a course of action for the year to come. Join us on our biggest day of the year!
2023 State Convention At A Glance
The 2023 State Convention is organized in 3 (three) parts
Business Meeting
Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm
Location: Virtual
PDNJ Membership​
Public Workshops & Awards
Time: 1pm - 4:00pm
Location: Virtual
All Are Welcome!
After Party/Networking Event
Time: 6pm - 9pm
Location: 120 Main St, Woodbridge Township, NJ 07095
All Are Welcome!
PDNJ State Convention Workshops
Session 1: Let's Get Started
PDNJ is a resource for anyone looking to get started effecting change in their community. Whether you are looking to volunteer for your first campaign or thinking about running for office, we have experienced members and training to help you get started. ​
Panel Discussion: Getting Involved in Politics
Sameer Jaywant, Counsel & Policy Advisor for Congresswoman Cori Bush
Gabby Vice, Digital Engagement Associate at Run for Something
Bianca Guerrero, Inaugural Racial Justice Leader-in-Residence at City College's Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership
Training Workshop: Running for Office
Kate Delaney, South Jersey Progressive Democrats
Carlo Favretto Jr., Progressive Democrats of New Jersey
Session 2: Training the Next Generation of Organizers
PDNJ is focused on recruiting and training the next generation of organizers who have the qualities and skills that progressives need to win in New Jersey. This Breakout Session will focus on building and honing skills that organizers need to lead effective and strategic campaigns. Attendees will have the opportunity to choose from 4 different workshops to join.
Training Workshop: Fundraising - From Launch to Election Day
Julia Eddy, Fundraising Director at Left Rising
Training Workshop: Launching Your Field Program
Adrian Ghainda, Special Projects Director at Voters of Tomorrow-NJ
Training Workshop: Communications - Crafting Connections
Jason Dealessi, Managing Director at Fuerza Strategy Group
Session 3: Exploring Progressive Issues
What issues is New Jersey facing? How are the lives of poor and working-class families across the state affected? How can progressive candidates and organizers take action to support bold action on these issues? During this Breakout Session, attendees will hear from leading organizers and policy experts on critical issues facing New Jersey and the solutions they are advocating for. Attendees can choose from 3 different workshops to join.
Policy & Issues Workshop: The Student Debt Crisis
Ella Azoulay, Research & Policy Analyst at Student Borrower Protection Center
Policy & Issues Workshop: Housing in NJ
Staci Burger, President and CEO at Housing and Community Development Network of NJ
Policy & Issues Workshop: Political Corruption In NJ Look Like?
Imani Oakley, Campaign Organizer at TYT
NJ Progressive Democrats
State Convention
Welcome & Opening Remarks
Nicholas Wolferman, PDNJ Executive Director
Session 1: Let's Get Started
PDNJ is a resource for anyone looking to get started effecting change in their community. Whether you are looking to volunteer for your first campaign or thinking about running for office, we have experienced members and training to help you get started. ​
Panel Discussion: Getting Involved in Politics
Sameer Jaywant, Counsel & Policy Advisor for Congresswoman Cori Bush
Gabby Vice, Digital Engagement Associate at Run for Something
Bianca Guerrero, Inaugural Racial Justice Leader-in-Residence at City College's Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership
Training Workshop: Running for Office
Kate Delaney, South Jersey Progressive Democrats
Carlo Favretto Jr., Progressive Democrats of New Jersey
Session 2: Training the Next Generation of Organizers
PDNJ is focused on recruiting and training the next generation of organizers who have the qualities and skills that progressives need to win in New Jersey. This Breakout Session will focus on building and honing skills that organizers need to lead effective and strategic campaigns. Attendees will have the opportunity to choose from 4 different workshops to join.
Training Workshop: Fundraising - From Launch to Election Day
Julia Eddy, Fundraising Director at Left Rising
Training Workshop: Launching Your Field Program
Adrian Ghainda, Special Projects Director at Voters of Tomorrow-NJ
Training Workshop: Communications - Crafting Connections
Jason Dealessi, Managing Director at Fuerza Strategy Group
Session 3: Exploring Progressive Issues
What issues is New Jersey facing? How are the lives of poor and working-class families across the state affected? How can progressive candidates and organizers take action to support bold action on these issues? During this Breakout Session, attendees will hear from leading organizers and policy experts on critical issues facing New Jersey and the solutions they are advocating for. Attendees can choose from 3 different workshops to join.
Policy & Issues Workshop: The Student Debt Crisis
Ella Azoulay, Research & Policy Analyst at Student Borrower Protection Center
Policy & Issues Workshop: Housing in NJ
Staci Burger, President and CEO at Housing and Community Development Network of NJ
Policy & Issues Workshop: Political Corruption In NJ Look Like?
Imani Oakley, Campaign Organizer at TYT
Awards Ceremony
PDNJ will recognize the hard work and achievement of organizers and advocates of the progressive movement.
Keynote Speaker
To Be Announced Soon!
Closing Remarks
Assatta Mann, PDNJ Chairwoman
PDNJ Business Meeting
During the Business Meeting, PDNJ State and Chapter leaders will receive reports from the leadership team, update and review our platform and policy positions, adopt a budget for the upcoming fiscal year, and elect new State leaders.
Voting Delegate Registration
All Voting Delegates are required to register and attend the Business Meeting.
Voting Members Include: PDNJ Constitutional Officers, PDNJ State Delegates, Chapter Officers (up to six)
Voting Delegates must register for the Annual Meeting by (date) to ensure they receive the Business Meeting Workbook.
Voting delegate registration deadline is November 27th
Observer Registration (Members Only)
All PDNJ General Members in good standing are encouraged to attend the Business Meeting as an Observer. Observers may not vote or address the body, except for specifically designated periods. This includes: Open Comment Period, Candidate Q&A, and Organization Platform Updates.
A member in good standing is defined as a member who is up to date on their dues payments and has continued to follow the Organization’s Bylaws and Code of Conduct. If you are unsure of your membership status please contact administrator@pdofnj.com.
Annual Meeting Resources
Constitution & Bylaws
Business Meeting Workbook
Platform Updates
Each year, the PDNJ Policy & Research Committee reviews the Organization Platform and Positions for potential changes and additions. The organization platform expresses the values and provides direction to the organization when engaging in advocacy and selecting candidates to support or oppose. Positions may be taken on broad policy areas, specific legislation, or public programs.
PDNJ Members may submit recommended changes to the Organization Platform & Positions using this form. These recommendations will be sent to the Policy & Research Committee, which will review them and submit a list of recommended platform updates to be considered by voting delegates at the Annual Meeting.
The deadline to submit a recommendation on the organization platform is Monday, November 14, 2022.
Recommendations can be submitted at pdnj.link/platformupdates
Constitution & Bylaws Amendments
PDNJ’s operations and work are governed by the organization’s Constitution & Bylaws. PDNJ Members may recommend amendments and additions to be considered by voting delegates at the Annual Meeting.
The deadline to submit a recommendation on the Constitution & Bylaws is Monday, November 14, 2022.
Recommendations can be submitted at pdnj.link/amendments
PDNJ Leadership Elections
Elections for Constitutional & Regional Officers of the Organization take place at the Annual Meeting.
The 2022 Annual Leadership Election is being organized and overseen by the PDNJ Election Committee. Please direct any questions about the election process to Nick Wolferman (PDNJ Executive Director) at nwolferman@gmail.com.
Important Dates & Deadlines
Deadline to Submit Nominations: Sunday, November 27th
Deadline to Submit Candidate Acknowledgements: Friday, December 2nd
List of Nominees Announced: Saturday December 3rd in reminder email to members
Leadership Orientation: February 5th 11am-3pm
Position Descriptions
Constitutional Officers
The Constitutional Officers (with the Regional Officers, Deputy Executive Director, and Executive Director) will steer the Organization in accordance with the Board of Delegates and transact business referred to it by the Board of Delegates and Board of Directors.
Term: January 2023 - December 2024 (2 years)
Duties & Responsibilities: The Chairperson is the leader of the entire PDNJ organization, ensuring PDNJ is working towards its goals and mission. The Chairperson serves as the chair at all Board of Delegates meetings, sits as an ex-officio member of all committees except where prohibited, presides at the annual meeting/convention, officiates new chapter building and charters, chairs the budget committee, serves as chair of the Executive Committee meetings, presides over impeachment, removal, and revocation hearings for the Organization, and perform all other duties devolving from the role.
Eligibility: Current PDNJ State Delegate or Constitutional Officer
Term: January 2023 - December 2024 (2 years)
Duties & Responsibilities: The Vice-Chairperson will perform the duties of the Chairperson in the absence of the Chairperson and assist the Chairperson in the execution of their duties. The Vice-Chairperson will also perform all other duties devolving from the role.
Eligibility: Current PDNJ State Delegate or Constitutional Officer
Term: January 2023 - December 2024 (2 years)
Duties & Responsibilities: The Treasurer of the Organization will keep, maintain, and verify a full account of the funds of the Organization by keeping a full and accurate account of the receipts and disbursements of the Organization. The Treasurer will also approve the disbursement of all Organization funds, coordinate with the General Counsel to facilitate filings of forms and other
statutory requirements and serve on the budget committee.
Eligibility: Current PDNJ State Delegate or Constitutional Officer
Term: January 2023 - December 2024 (2 years)
Duties & Responsibilities: The Secretary of the Organization will keep an accurate record of meetings of the Board of Delegates and act as parliamentarian during those meetings. The Secretary will also maintain the Organization’s filing system of records, keep member residency status up to date, and coordinate with the General Counsel to keep a record of all legal documents and proceedings for the Organization.
Eligibility: Current PDNJ State Delegate or Constitutional Officer
Regional Officers
Each region of the state of New Jersey will select, at the Annual Meeting, one member from each respective region to serve as the regional officers representing their interests. These Regional Officers will be responsible for coordinating activities
between the chapters in their respective regions.
The Regional Officers include:
Northwest Regional Officer (Represents Hunterdon, Morris, Sussex, and Warren counties)
Northeast Regional Officer (Represents Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Passaic, and Union counties.)
Central Regional Officer (Represents Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean, and Somerset counties.)
South Regional Officer (Represents Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, and Salem counties)
Term: January 2023 - December 2024 (2 years)
Duties & Responsibilities:
promote the purpose and mission of the Organization and its chapters in the region;
initiate action in matters of common interest within their region
Represent the region and it’s interests at Executive Committee meetings
recruit community members in the region in order to support or create chapters in the region;
support regional chapter leaders and membership; and
provide for conference, coordination, and cooperation among the membership of the regions.
Must reside in the region which they seek to represent
Must be a PDNJ General member in good standing
No member may apply for candidacy to more than one regional office
Candidate Nominations
Any current Delegate or Constitutional Officer in good standing interested in running for a leadership position must submit the Candidate Nomination Form by Sunday, November 27th.
We will be accepting nominations from the floor for these elections. We will ask for on the floor nominations during the elections proceedings.
Eligibility Requirements
For Constitutional Officers:
Must be a Delegates or current Constitutional Officer
No delegate may apply for candidacy to more than one office
For Regional Officers:
Must reside in the region which they seek to represent
Must be a PDNJ General member in good standing
No member may apply for candidacy to more than one regional office
Prohibition on Campaigning
The PDNJ Constitution & Bylaws strictly prohibits any candidates for Constitutional Officers and Regional Officers from engaging in any spending, or in any additional campaigning for their position, leading up to or during the annual meeting.
Candidates who are found in violation of this clause will immediately be disqualified from running for office during this election.
What is Campaigning?
PDNJ defines campaigning as asking another to submit a nomination, whipping votes, electioneering, distributing digital or physical materials, engaging in any spending, forming or suggesting a “slate” of candidates, or directing proxies to engage in the aforementioned behavior.
Candidate Acknowledgements
All nominated candidates must acknowledge and confirm their candidacy and eligibility by submitting the Candidate Acknowledgement Form by Friday, December 2nd.
Failure to submit this form will prevent nominees from being listed among nominees leading up to this election.
The PDNJ Elections Committee will notify any member who has been nominated and inform them that they must submit the acknowledgment form.
Candidate Q&A
At the Annual Meeting, all candidates will be afforded three (3) minutes to speak on their candidacy and platform with a five-minute period for question and answer.
Rules on Candidate Statements:
Candidates will deliver statements and answer questions beginning with the highest office on the ballot and in alphabetical order for each position.
Each candidate will have up to three (3) minutes to deliver a statement outlining why they are running for a leadership position.
The time may be extended 30 seconds up to twice.
Candidates must refrain from addressing or making personal attacks on other candidates during their statements.
A member of the PDNJ Election Subcommittee will act as a timekeeper and be responsible for enforcing time limits. The timekeeper will have the authority to interrupt the candidate if they run over time.
Members are asked to refrain from applauding or in other ways demonstrating support or nonsupport for a candidate during their statement.
Rules on Member Q&A:
After each candidate statement, General Members may ask the candidates questions.
Candidates will have five (5) minutes to answer questions.
The time members take to ask their questions will not count against the candidate’s time.
A member of the PDNJ Election Subcommittee will act as a timekeeper and be responsible for enforcing time limits. The timekeeper will have the authority to interrupt the candidate if they run over time.
Members are asked to keep the focus of their questions limited to the following topics:
The candidates’ relevant background
The candidates’ relevant skills and knowledge
The candidates’ expressed vision for PDNJ
Concerns members may have regarding the candidates
Members are asked to refrain from applauding or in other ways demonstrating support or nonsupport for a candidate during the Q&A portion.
Voting Process: How It Will Work
Constitutional Officers:
A vote by secret ballot will be conducted if more than one candidate is running for the same position.
A voice vote or acclimation may be conducted if only one candidate is running for the same position.
A majority is required to elect, except, if no candidate is elected after the second ballot, a plurality will elect on the third ballot.
The elected officer will take office on January 1st following their election, declaring their delegate position vacant.
Who Can Vote?: All PDNJ Members in good standing
Regional Officers:
A vote by secret ballot will be conducted if more than one candidate is running for the same position.
A voice vote or acclimation may be conducted if only one candidate is running for the same position.
A majority is required to elect, except, if no candidate is elected after the second ballot, a plurality will elect on the third ballot.
The elected officer will take office on January 1st following their election, declaring their delegate position vacant.
Who Can Vote?: PDNJ General Members in good standing may vote for candidates running to represent the region of which they are a member.
A member in good standing is defined as a member who is up to date on their dues payments and has continued to follow the Organization’s Bylaws and Code of Conduct. If you are unsure of your membership status please contact administrator@pdofnj.com.
Leadership Orientation
All newly elected Constitutional and Regional Officers are required to attend a Leadership Orientation & Retreat on January 8, 2023.
This orientation will provide new leaders an opportunity to become acquainted with the organization's structure and mission, have a clear understanding of the expectations of their role, and get to meet the rest of the new leadership team.
The PDNJ Special Election Committee will provide all elected candidates with information to join the orientation.
PDNJ Constitution & Bylaws
PDNJ Code of Conduct
Candidate Nomination Form
PDNJ Awards Ceremony
PDNJ will recognize the hard work and achievement of organizers and advocates of the progressive movement.
Progressive Organizer of the Year
Amber Saravia, Charlie Kratovil for Mayor
This award recognizes a committed New Jersey progressive organization or group which has made significant contributions to the advancement of racial, social, economic, or environmental justice. This organization’s work does credit not just to themselves, but also to the progressive movement as a whole.
Progressive Advocate of the Year
Matt Smith, NJ Director for Food & Water Watch
This award recognizes a committed New Jersey progressive who has organized communities, educated the public, or lobbied elected officials in favor of bold action in favor of racial, social, economic, or environmental justice that has demonstrated extraordinary grit, commitment, or zeal. The advocate’s work does credit not just to themselves, but also to the progressive movement as a whole.
Progressive Candidate of the Year
Chigozie Onyema, West Ward City Council - Newark
This award recognizes a committed New Jersey progressive who has run for public or party office while demonstrating extraordinary potential, skill, talent, savvy, perseverance, or discipline. This award likewise recognizes candidates whose campaign implemented innovative methods or made significant strides for the progressive movement. The candidate’s campaign does credit not just to themselves, but also to the progressive movement as a whole.
Progressive Organization of the Year
South Jersey Progressive Democrats
This award recognizes a committed New Jersey progressive who volunteered in or staffed a progressive campaign that has demonstrated extraordinary potential, skill, talent, savvy, perseverance, or discipline through the course of their involvement. This award likewise recognizes organizers whose work included innovative methods or made significant strides for the progressive movement. The awardee’s work does credit not just to themselves, but also to the progressive movement as a whole.