2024 Endorsements
If you are a potential or current candidate during the 2024 election cycle at the municipal, county, state, or federal level, and are interested in receiving PDNJ's endorsement and support please fill out the form below.
If you know of a candidate that you believe aligns with PDNJ's platform and values, please share this application with them!

The Problem
Through the undue influence of corporations, wealth inequality, and political corruption, we find ourselves wholly unrepresented by New Jersey’s politicians. A government which is not responsive to the concerns of hard working families is incapable of addressing their concerns. We have the highest property taxes in the country in exchange for an underfunded and segregated education system. A majority of our population recognizes racial injustice and climate change as major issues, yet we struggle for clean drinking water and access to public transportation. The problems our community face are systemic and unchanging - it is time for new leadership.

Our Resolution
For New Jerseyans to seize the movement for justice and equity that is sweeping the country, together we must build well-informed and active communities which must organize, protest, and vote. Through our education and training workshops, we are empowering new and diverse leaders and organizers to take charge of the political process and the issues that drive the progressive movement here in NJ. Through our field and political organizing we are providing the resources necessary for any candidate who will fight for the values of our communities to win their election, and represent us in government.
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